DOOM VLOG #12 – Its Alright

Hey, long time no see :]

In this week’s VLOG contest I am forced to tell you an embarrassing story – mine just so happens to involve eSports… annd work… annnd plenty of embarrassment & shame:



REGARDLESS – we live to fight another day. It’s important to be able to laugh at yourself, for in those moments, aspects of our lives are revealed to us from a uncommon perspective. It’s up to you at that point to either be ashamed or to learn something about yourself (and if you aren’t learning then what the hell are you doing here??).


Other topics include:

-SC2Links login/favorites update

-ZOTAC & ‘The Church of Starcraft’

-SC2Links easter egg

-Increase in Twitter followers = you guys like my stuff?? 😀


As always – if you have comments, questions, or criticisms tweet me @DOOMeSports

See you all at 8AM on Sunday for the ZOTAC EU Cup!!

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