March Update!

Hello friends,

Yeaaaa, I’m a little late on the monthly update, but alas – better late than never!

I am happy to report that we crushed it again in March doing 12,800+ users, 139,00+ pageviews and 53,000+ sessions – the sessions number is up 4,000 from last month so either you all are getting more and more utility out of the site or you are visiting the site more frequently to check and see if I’m updating everything on time xD. Either way, your continued visits are beyond appreciated and this is further confirmation that each and every one of you are directly keeping Starcraft 2 alive!

We’re still a bit off of our monetary goals for implementing the site changes listed in my last post but I still think at it’s core, the site is performing well and I’m getting VODs up as soon as humanly possible on most days. Whenever VODs are delayed just know that I’m off somewhere else in the world, with Starcraft on the brain, being busier than I want to be! Such is life…

Anywho, a bit of good news – I have begun laddering again! Hooray!

Why is this good news? Well, for all of you terran players looking to crush the ladder, I will be posting the build orders I have extracted from games I deem worthy of copying here on the blog along with my thoughts on how to approach each match up from there.

Full disclosure, for now I’m just plat, but the goal is to work on mechanics, defeat opponents even if they know what’s coming, and ultimately get back into Masters league – we’ll start out with basic macro builds (think CJ_Bunny) and work in more intricate micro builds from there (think Bomber). Hopefully we can stir up some discussion and improve together, no matter what race you play.

Enough of my personal ambitions – let’s talk about you!

-16.44% of sessions were new users (that means we’ve retained ~2% of new users from last month – keep spreading the word!)

-Top 10 countries by number of sessions: USA, Canada, Germany, UK, Sweden, France, Australia, Poland, Netherlands, Russia (Russia officially cracks the top 10 for the first time! Na Zdorovie!)

-34,000 sessions were initiated with 0 days since a previous session (this justifies me updating the site on a daily basis, thanks boys and girls!)

-Top tournaments by pageviews: GSL (14%), Proleague (13%), SSL (10%), IEM Katowice/WCS (7%) (friendly reminder that we host VODs from popular streamers/shows as well! BaseTradeTV, FalconPaladin, Polt, Happy, MC all pump out daily content that can fill the void of the top 3 in downtime)

That’s all I’ve got! I’ll post my first terran build order later tonight and we’ll all work on becoming better gamers from there!

Peace nerds!


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